26 Absolutely Amazing Houses That Are Out Of This World

9. School Bus Home


Architecture student Hank Butitta decided to apply his learned skills to an old school bus he bought off of Craigslist. For his final project, he redesigned the vehicle into a modular mobile home. He used salvaged gym floors and stretched plywood to line the interior of the bus, creating a sense of clean, organic cohesion. In a matter of 15 painstaking weeks, Butitta completed his ambitious project that resulted in his own home.



10. Water Tower Home


After purchasing an old water tower in central London, Leigh Osborne and Graham Voce spent 8 months renovating the untouched edifice into a modern home. The multilevel apartment they’ve managed to construct at the center of the tower offers large windows, though it’s the actual water tank at the top that the duo have preserved (and upgraded) that boasts a 360° view of the city.
