10 Unexplainable, Mysterious Deaths That Will Shake You To Your Very Core

1. Elisa Lam

Elisa Lam

Much like the case of Mitrice Richardson, what makes the Elisa Lam case so disturbing is her behavior leading up to her demise. Although, if Mitrice Richardson’s behavior can be described as strange, Elisa’s can be described as inexplicable.

Elisa Lam’s lifeless body was found on February 19, 2013 in a water tank above the Hotel Cecil in the Skid Row neighborhood of Los Angeles. The hotel already had a spotty reputation, as it had previously been the base for serial killers, including the notorious “Night Stalker,” Richard Ramirez. Authorities ruled Elisa Lam’s death an accidental drowning. However, most people are far from satisfied with this explanation.

To begin, the water tank in which Lam’s body was found, was so tightly sealed that authorities had to drill a freaking hole in it and empty the tank to get her body out. To even access the tank, Lam would have had to inconspicuously make her way through several locked, alarmed doors that are supposedly inaccessible to everyone but staff members with the proper keys. Even if Lam were to have made it THAT far, she would have had to climb a rooftop ladder, unlock a heavy, padlocked door, and crawl into the water tank. Sounds unlikely. But this isn’t NEARLY the creepiest part of the Elisa Lam mystery.

After Elisa went missing (she was only found because hotel residents complained of foul drinking water), a video surfaced. The video was from a surveillance camera in a Hotel Cecil elevator, and it shows some incredibly disturbing footage. See the video below… if you hate sleeping, but if you are too scared to watch then read on to see what the video is about.

In the video, Lam gets into the elevator, and presses all of the buttons. But then, the door does not close. This clearly disturbs Elisa too, as she begins to frantically peer outside the elevator as if someone is watching her or following her. She seems frightened, and cowers down, as if hiding. The DOOR STILL FAILS TO CLOSE. After some time, Elisa exits the elevator for good, and stands outside it, gesturing VERY strangely (read: non-humanly), as if talking to somebody, or something off camera. Then, she walks away, still contorted in a downright freaky manner. This was the last anyone saw Elisa Lam until her corpse was found in the rooftop water tank.

Nobody has been able to explain Lam’s behaviors in the video, and a toxicology screen showed she had NO drugs or alcohol in her system before she died. Did Elisa Lam have a crazy psychological breakdown and somehow kill herself? Did she fall victim to an unsavory member of the hotel staff? Or was she killed by something far more bizarre and unexplainable? It seems likely we will never know.

Do you have your own theories that may explain any of these 10 unsolved mysterious? Share them with others below.