24 Incredibly Heartwarming Animal Stories That Will Hit You Right In The Feels

9. The Jack Russell that made the ultimate sacrifice to save a group of children.

George the Jack Russell Terrier

These children were playing with George, a Jack Russell Terrier, when pit bulls attacked. He tried to protect the kids by barking and rushing at the other dogs, but they started biting him on the head and back. His intervention saved the children, though he later died from his injuries. He was posthumously awarded a medal for his bravery.

10. The seeing-eye dogs that led their owners to safety in 9/11 attack.

Salty and Roselle the Seeing Eye Dogs

Following the terrorist attack on New York on September 11, 2001, seeing-eye dogs Salty and Roselle stuck by their owners and led them down 70 floors out of the World Trade Center before the buildings collapsed. The two dogs were awarded a joint Dickin Medal for their unwavering loyalty and bravery.