This 3,200 Year Old Tree Has Finally Been Photographed In Whole For The First Time. WOW!

Meet the President.


Nestled away in Nevada’s Sequoia National Park, 7,000 feet above sea level in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, is this massive tree that has been around for an estimated 3,200 years – 110 human generations.


The giant tree has 2 billion leaves and stands 75.3 meters tall, 8.2 meters wide, measuring 1,274.3 cubic meters in volume.


Due to the sheer size and height of the President tree, it has never been photographed in whole – until a tree-climbing scientist got involved. Michael “Nick” Nichols worked for National Geographic over 32 days to take 126 individual photos, stitched together to create one amazing image.


This is the first time the tree has been photographed in its entirety!

Via National Geographic

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